My Time | Short Films
About Video
Uploaded on 27 December, 2015
My Time is a 2015 short story that was created using a DSLR video camera/Sony Handy Cam and an Aerial Air Craft.
“This was to be the year that I place my arrow in a mature buck. My season was long and it didn’t take much time to realize that when you make your mind up to harvest a mature it comes with sacrifices. I had lots of opportunities at smaller bucks throughout the year and even a nice 8 pointer right under my tree. But I held true to my goal of arrowing a mature and harvested a few does for the freezer. I had a few chances that had my arrow flying farther than I’m comfortable shooting so I held true for a closer release that never happened. I can tell you this – A lot of learning went on this past year and I will put those lessons learned to good use for years to come. Next season has started for me already, data gathering video is never ending so as the season approaches I look forward to seeing you in a tree stand in between here and there somewhere.” – Michael Donarski
Length : 8:15
Categorized as: Partners Short Films MJD Outdoors Hunting
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Jason TM.
What a great time to 🙂
December 27, 2015 at 3:49 pm
Amy Hern
Great job! Love the aerial views!
December 27, 2015 at 7:37 pm
Tracy Larson
Now we wait until next year
December 27, 2015 at 8:27 pm