Hog Hunting With A Pack Of Dogs In Texas
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Uploaded on 9 May, 2011
Dogs have always been a big part of hunting and they provide a great utility. They are often used in wild boar and hog hunting. If the hog is not able to be taken after the first shot with a bow, they dogs are often sent in to wear down and tire the animal, making it easer to take. Wild boards can be vicious when cornered and the dogs work as a barrier between you and the wild animal.
Hogs are plentiful in Texas and are sometimes seen as a nuisance to some land owners. They have a mark on their head due to their abilities to destroy crops and land. Many farmers pay to have the hogs killed on their property due to their destructive nature. The number of hogs in a herd can be fairly large if not kept in check and thinning out their numbers sometimes becomes necessary.
Length : 4:00
Categorized as: Hog Bow Hunting Wild Hog
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