Florida Mountain Ibex Hunt: S2, Part 2 | Short Films

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Uploaded on 1 November, 2013

See how this quest ends in part 2 of Zac Griffith’s Florida Mts. Ibex Hunt.
I have regretted putting the camera down and taking one of the billies on opening day I had at 22 yards. They were by no means what I had set my sights on but it would’ve been easy. I would’ve been home that night and with my family. Until I finished this film I didn’t realize that my trophy wasn’t an ibex this time–it was the best footage I’ve ever captured of any animal I’ve hunted.
Part 2 is to me, the best Bezoar Ibex footage ever filmed. I would’ve never experienced any of it had I settled. I want a giant. A wise, old billy stretching over 40.” These animals and this mountain haunt me, you’re about to understand why.
View Part 1 – Click Here

Length : 13:41

Categorized as: Big Game Short Films Hunting Americas Mountain Goat

Tagged as: archery billy bow florida hunting ibex mountains part 2 Season 2 zac griffith

1 comment on “Florida Mountain Ibex Hunt: S2, Part 2

Margie A. Miranda

It was then that I had a rare encounter, as I sat on top of a debris pile, examining bore holes, I sensed that I wasn’t alone. Upon standing, I saw an ibex ram standing on the ridge just above the mine opening, appox 50 yards away. It was a fully grown adult, its massive horns curling back, probably 36-40″ long, with a full dark beard. Throughout the day I had been serenaded by rifle fire coming from the northeast, the billy it seems had been driven south by the presence of the hunters and right onto my path. The ram stopped, looked at me without spooking and then slowly ambled up the ridge, stopping again to look my way. I quickly reached for my camera, only to realize that I had left it in my pack, back on the trail, opportunity lost! I stood there looking at him, then not knowing what else to do, I whistled, he stopped, reared his head back and slowly continued over the ridge and out of my sight. These animals are elusive, you seldom spot them with binoculars, much less, within eyesight. The Ibex, is a species of wild goat was brought to New Mexico from Iran in 1970, originally 42 Persian ibex were released in the Florida range. One of two exotic game animals transplanted to New Mexico (Oryx or gemsbock were released at the White Sands Missile Range in the late 1960’s) The ibex have flourished in the Florida Mountains, The BLM and the Dept. of Game & Fish manage the population, with 400 animals designated as the maximum number the range can sustain. Annual hunts are held to keep the ibex population in check, with hunters selected by lottery. The Ibex have filled an ecological niche in the Florida wilderness , feeding on mountain mahogany, oak, grasses and forbs. In Lobo draw they seem to favor the prickly pear and cholla cactus, as evidence of their feeding on both can be found everywhere on the trails and ravines.

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