Coastal Blacktail Part 2 | Shows

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Uploaded on 3 June, 2015

Brad and Colton continue their adventure in Part 2 of their Coastal Blacktail Hunt. Countless miles through the Oregon Coast Range in search of the gray ghost!


Length : 26:30

Categorized as: Shows Partners Deer Rifle Hunting Previous Episodes Deer Heavy Hitters Outdoors

Tagged as: 2015 bear blacktail coast hho hunting Oregon outdoors part2 season1 series

5 comments on “Coastal Blacktail Part 2

Dennis C.

Tough huntin


The posting of this video is disgusting. I am a avid hunter and I find this video unethical and disrespectful to the animals we hunt. Shooting at a buck from such a distance that it takes multiple shots to be successful should cause a hunter to think twice about his/her shot. This is not a clean or ethical hunt and does not represent the hunting community in a positive light.

This video goes against everything I hunt for.


Jeff C

Emory, I can understand where you are coming from about the multiple shots. The first shot was a misread on the range finder that picked out an object in front of the deer. A common mistake. Second, the first shot that hit the buck was a great shot and the deer died from that shot. The following shots were to prevent the deer going any deeper into the canyon and to give it a quicker end. No meat was ruined and he was dead before he hit the ground. I appreciate your passion but have to disagree about our ethics and choice in this hunt. Buck fever effects people in different ways and anyone who hunts Blacktail knows that you sometimes only get one chance if any.



Thank you for the response. As a fellow hunter of the Blacktail, I can fully appreciate the difficulty of the hunt and can furthermore understand the effects that buck fever has on those chasing what can seem like a ghost at times. You’re right, you never know when you’re going to have another shot at one of these animals so the mental game we play as hunters can be difficult at times. We’ve all made poor shots or poor decisions when in the field but that’s how we learn to be better hunters and with any luck we can pass along our newly acquired knowledge to the next generation. I admire your willingness to share your experiences with the world through the use of media, but I question why, if you knew you made mistakes during the hunt such as making an error with the range finder, why not mention such mistakes at the end of the video? I’d suggest that with all of these hunting videos out there, you could separate yourselves from the crowd by making this a teaching tool to fellow hunters to may be apt to make the same mistakes. I think it’s worth discussing the effects of buck fever on a Blacktail hunt and what your concerns were with the deer going deeper into the drainage.

Again, I admire your willingness to produce a video for the public to share in your experiences, but I think we as a community need to be careful in how we share this with the world. Not everyone understands the reasons we do the things we do on a hunt, so it’s our job to explain it.

On a personal note, I want the sport that I love and cherish to be shared with the world in the best light possible. With a few minor tweaks, I think the video I commented on can be such a video and one that could be educational to the rest of the hunting community.

Thanks for taking the time to respond and best of luck during this upcoming season.


Jeff C

I agree with a lot of that. He does explain a little later in the video that he got buck fever and his shooting was not great. Unfortunately, we can’t recreate that moment again, we just have to hope that what we captured was good enough. This being our first season, it’s things like that, that will help us grow in the future. That season was probably the hardest season we have ever encountered while filming. Half of the footage was unusable due to rain and fog. Our cameras kept shutting down due to moisture. A lot of people don’t understand how hard it is to hunt a blacktail let alone film it. Probably why there is not very many out there. We have 6 blacktail hunts lined up this year and we do hope they will be much better. Our main goal with these two episodes was to show that we are real, not full out trophy hunters on food plots or private land. We do what we can to fill the freezer and mistakes are a part of our lives and we hope that we can grow from them. Thank you for your reply as well and good luck this season!

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